Blood Orange Crème Brûlée
- 2 blood oranges (segmented)
- 25 g (approx) caster sugar
- juice ½ lemon
- 2 tblsp gran marnier
- 1 l cream
- 10 egg yolks
- 100 g icing sugar
- 1 vanilla pod
- to glaze:
- caster sugar
- to garnish:
- citrus tuille & vanilla ice cream
- Pre-heat oven to 100°C.
- Heat a shallow saucepan or frying pan, add blood orange segments and its juice to pan.
- Once hot add sugar cook until caramelised. Add lemon juice and Gran Mariner cook for two minutes until golden in colour.
- Place only segments in to each of the ramekin dishes.
- Heat cream in a saucepan with vanilla pod, and 50g of the sugar, bring to the boil.
- Meanwhile mix the egg yolks and remaining sugar together.
- Add the hot liquid to the egg mixture gradually, whisking continuously.
- Mix well and pass through a fine sieve.
- Place ramekins into a roasting tin.
- Fill each of the ramekins with the egg mixture.
- Fill the tin with enough cold water to come two-thirds of the way up the sides of the ramekin
- Place in oven and cook for 30 minutes, until custard is set.
- When set remove from tray and leave to cool, once completely cool they are ready for glazing.
- Using a teaspoon spread enough sugar over the top of each custard to make a smooth thin even layer.
- With a blow torch, burn the sugar until it melts and creates a thin sheet of golden caramel.
- Let the caramel cool and harden before serving.